Aug 2, 2021
Data source configuration
Aug 2, 2021
Privacy and security are absolutely essential when dealing with user data. We spend a lot of time building features and processes around this—things like activity history, roles + permissions, and configurable views. Today, we're introducing a big new feature: data source configuration.
This new feature lets you configure how your data can be accessed from Basedash in a few key ways:
You can fully disconnect certain attributes or tables that you don't want anyone on your team to access.
You can also toggle what's editable, in case you have certain attributes that contain sensitive PII, or are linked to external business logic.
Finally, you can also customize the display name of data sources, tables, and attributes. We provide sane defaults that make your data more accessible to non-technical users, but you always have the final say. Note that this does not change your underlying database in any way, just the way it gets displayed in Basedash.
These new fine-grained settings give you full control over what you and your teammates can access through Basedash, improving privacy and security. We have plans to add even more customization in the future—follow us on Twitter to keep up to date with the latest updates to Basedash.
Other improvements and fixes
Improved loading performance of views and raw tables
Improved styling of collapsible sidebar sections
Updated Optional text on form fields
Updated icons used on data sources
Updated cursor used on date cells
Updated styling of input fields across the app
Updated styling of search bar to match other inputs
Updated search bar text in sidebar to "Jump to"
Updated chart colors
Fixed certain dropdowns being resizable
Fixed views with many attributes not loading
Fixed background color on JSON fields not matching theme
Fixed form panel title overflowing
Fixed loading spinner behaving erratically
Fixed data not updating when switching between SQL views
Fixed pagination icons not being consistent
Fixed tooltip text in view settings
Fixed vertical alignment of chips in activity page