Aug 16, 2022
Record-level activity
Aug 16, 2022
You can now see edits that have been made on a specific record. Just select the record in a collection page, then switch to the “History” tab in the panel on the right. You’ll be able to see a list of recent edits including the person who made the change, the before and after value, and the time the change was made.
Desktop app tabs
On the Basedash desktop app, you can now open apps as tabs to easily navigate between them. You can also switch between them with your keyboard by pressing Ctrl/Cmd + 1-9.
You can download the Basedash desktop app for Mac, Windows, and Linux here:
Drag pages between sections
You can now click and drag to move pages between sections in an app. This makes it way easier to organize your apps just the way you want them.
You can create a section by clicking “New” in the sidebar, then “Section”. Once you have multiple sections, you can simply click and drag a page to a new section.
Share button
We added a Share button on all pages within an app so that you can easily see who has access to the page, copy the link, and invite new members to your app.
Other improvements and fixes
Added the ability to include links in page descriptions
Added a button to the date picker to select the current date
Added a button to the date picker to clear the value
Added a button to return to the Apps launcher from within an app
Added support for non-admins to sort collection pages
Added user-level persistence of sorts on collection pages
Added the ability to rename workspaces from settings
Added the ability to update workspace logos from settings
Added an indicator showing the number of pages in an app
Added template cover images when creating and editing apps
Added a link to download the desktop app from the profile dropdown
Added new content explaining page types when you create a new app
Added a new email alert for getting invited to an app
Improved performance of loading action-related data
Improved responsiveness of form fields at small screen sizes
Updated the behavior for opening apps on the web to not open a new tab
Updated styling of login and signup pages
Updated opening animation of modals
Fixed running actions with interpolated values
Fixed editing joined attributes on collection pages with joined tables
Fixed database tables not appearing in command bar after opening and closing an app
Fixed a bug where the page limit would be hit before reaching the full limit
Fixed help text on switches being squished
Fixed app members with edit access not being able to edit some data
Fixed sorting on database tables
Fixed action inputs not being cleared when navigating between actions
Fixed some optional attributes not being able to be hidden from collection pages in form layout
Fixed duplicating pages in an app
Fixed loading spinner appearing excessively on collection pages