Why you need to move away from outdated custom internal tools

Jordan Chavis


You probably base your company’s longevity on established systems and programs that have always given your business the stability it needs. After all, every company is working to achieve consistency in its operations. Therefore, there's no need to interfere with the stability of the business with the promise that new programs will enhance the company's current status.

Many established organizations have been stuck with legacy systems and programs. Besides the current wave in digital transformation, these organizations are not interested and would instead stick with old database structures where they feel secure.

However, modernizing old systems and programs is something that enterprises must do to integrate new software, enhance network security, and boost their productivity. Besides, legacy systems and outdated custom internal tools negatively impact your business.

There are several reasons your older internal tools require replacing. Let’s look at a few here.

1. Decreased business productivity

In the competitive business sector, the success of your organization is highly dependent on your productivity. If you're able to meet the demands of your customers, it will be easier to remain relevant and shrug away the competition with ease. However, if your productivity is not meeting demand, you don't stand a chance in the competitive environment.

As it stands, legacy tools can't meet the productivity of modern systems. They're slower, take longer to execute simple tasks, and require much time to maintain than their newer counterparts.

Decreased productivity can impact your financial statements in the short term, but can quickly push your organization out of the market in the future. Besides the legacy customers, it will be hard for your business to convince new customers when it cannot meet their needs.

2. Bugs and System Downtime

There’s no way around it: bugs are often responsible for not delivering on customers' expectations. In previous years, bugs could lead to some serious downtime but the emergence of custom internal database tools and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) applications have been fundamental in preventing data loss from downtime.

A modern database CMS made for teams can reduce data risk by storing business data in remote systems while enabling your business to retrieve data deleted accidentally. In addition, these systems provide reliable access to data. As a result, organizations can continue to deliver services despite system problems.

Sticking with a legacy database tool prone to unnecessary downtimes doesn't give you any chance against innovation. You're not only losing your precious time through regular crashes, but also trust from customers. No customer will stick with you if they can get uninterrupted services elsewhere.

3. Increased running cost

Established business owners usually opt to maintain their legacy systems to save money. They believe that new systems will require massive investment to purchase, install, and train users. However, maintaining outdated legacy programs can more expensive than buying new technologies.

Technology ages fast, which means you have to use more money to keep your system relevant to your operations. You'll also spend more money on fixing old tech and making it work, rather than investing in the productivity of your business. As a result, your employees will be focusing on slow and frustrating systems instead of paying attention to the needs of customers.

4. Security issues

The risk of cybersecurity threats, especially malware, is quickly increasing. Research indicates that hundreds of new malware attacks are discovered every hour. This is scary for companies using outdated systems with little or no capability to deal with growing cybersecurity threats.

As security threats continue to grow, your business's chances of facing severe cybersecurity problems increase exponentially.

Suppose you're using an internal tool that no longer receives updates. In that case, you're facing the possibility of cyberattack and third-party infiltration that has the potential to cripple your operations.

The days of thinking you're too small for cyberattacks are long gone. Instead, hackers have quickly turned to small and medium organizations because they know such entities don't have sufficient system defenses. You're only increasing your vulnerability and attractiveness to cyber-criminals by sticking to legacy systems.

5. Regulatory and compliance risks

Using outdated business systems can lead to challenges with existing compliance risks that you may not even know about. In addition, auditors are likely to fine your business for using legacy or unsupported systems.

Today, governments are demanding organizations to remain compliant with systems that protect employee and customer data. You don't have to be a healthcare organization to pay attention to consumer data. For example, online retail companies must protect card information and other private data against cyber-attackers.

Remaining compliant is a fundamental undertaking that you need to incorporate into your organization. Besides protecting your business against government fines, you'll enhance your reputation in the business sector, which is essential in attracting and keeping your customers.

It's time to replace your legacy tools

Legacy systems and tools have served your business for many years, and they've probably contributed to the success you enjoy today. However, to avoid the risks discussed above, you must replace your outdated legacy systems with superior, secure, and efficient systems.

Basedash is ready to take your current database to the next level and turn it into a modern database CMS. In addition, you can take advantage of cutting-edge technology and custom internal database tools that will promote data security and facilitate growth in your organization.

Sign up today and start managing your database for free.

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